NS Builders
our work
NS Builders/Branding, Web Design + Development
NS Builders is the custom home builder redefining the concept of luxury homes for the Boston area. When your reputation is pure quality and craftsmanship, your brand needs to maintain the highest standards possible.
For the past decade, we've served as the steadfast brand guardians for NS Builders. What started as a straightforward mission to simplify and strengthen an existing visual identity, has led to ongoing evolution and refinement of the entire brand system and collection of touchpoints.
Designing for a high-end, bespoke builder like NS Builders means one thing: luxury is non-negotiable. Every interaction with the brand, digital or physical, has to reflect the same standard of excellence they bring to every project. Our job is to ensure that the NS Builders brand embodies the same level of precision, creativity, and innovation that their clients have come to expect in their homes.

From the sleek logo design to the carefully selected typography and layout standards, every detail is meticulously curated to embody NS Builders' commitment to excellence and precision craftsmanship.

As a business evolves, so do their brand needs. When we realized that NS Builders needed refinement in their brand universe, we subtly updated the system to be slightly more polished and adaptable. By tweaking the geometry of the wordmark and simplifying the system, we positioned the brand to be more exclusive and high end, while remaining approachable and without relinquishing any existing brand equity.

The NS Builders website needs to do more than inform and look good, it needs to be an experience that brings out the distinction of the business and appeals to the brand’s discerning audience. The site makes use of simple yet unique layouts to highlight quality media and convey the elegance of the brand. The refined copy aligns with the high end experience and result clients can expect from NS Builders, creating an immersive journey into the world of custom luxury building.

With a brand as elevated as NS Builders, each touchpoint needs to be executed at the highest level of consistency and attention to detail. Whether it's a print ad, a jobsite sign, a van wrap, or even a safety poster, every detail is intentionally designed to elevate the brand. Each piece works to form a cohesive system that communicates a promise of high-level service, craftsmanship, and thoughtfulness.